Monday, January 5, 2009

Back to school

Well, vacation is over and school starts today. I sure do want to just lay in bed today, it is raining and dark. Kara is out of school today but I am making Emma get started so we can stay on track. I still have some organizing and cleaning to do today from the holidays but things are coming together. We had a great sermon yesterday at church to get started in the new year. It really challenged me to be more Christ like this year and keep my perspective. I feel like I am always trying to do better and never reaching it. I guess that is a sign of growing in the Lord and not being satisfied with where I am at. We are putting our house back on the active list today to show. I am really ready to take it off the market completely. If we sold it now there would be no place for us to move anyway. We keep praying that the Lord will guide us in his timing and take care of our needs. We know that he will, he as done it many times before. Hope you have a great day!

1 comment:

shelleym said...

Hi Jen, Hope you are having a good week! I know something great is going to happen at the right time. I admire the example, and leadership you show and know that your faith is strong. Love you, Shell

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