Monday, January 12, 2009

Well, we went to look at houses yesterday. There are a lot FSBO that we had not seen, so that made us feel better that if we had to move now there are some options. We have had one couple very interested in our house and several showings over the last week. Cory is going to have to apply for another job in Tyler soon and we will start that whole four month process again. We just keep praying for the Lords timing and that he will guide us in the right direction.
Since we have had our house on the market, I decluttered our house to make it look neater. That means alot of stuff in now in the garage. I am going to have a big garage sale when spring roles around. I read an article somewhere over the holiday that said kids are really more interested and remember the things you did with them, like trips, family outings, and fun things at home, more so than all the stuff they had. I want to implement that this year by doing more things with them instead of wasting money on little things here and there and trying to make a birthday list for the relatives. I want to go camping sometime when it gets warmer, and over spring break I was thinking of going to Dallas to some museums and things around there. I want to go see the King Tut exhibit before it leaves town. I really hope this year or next we can go back to Disney World. It is kind of hard to plan big things like that if we don't know if we are moving or not. I just can't sit around and wait and let time slip by. I am reminded of that when I go to work and I have a patient die of cancer when they are young. So many people wait to do things "later", when they retire, when they get enough money, when they get older. Some people run out of time before they know it. I hope I am giving my kids lots of great memories but most of all, I hope they feel loved.


The Clevelands said...

Good reminder, Jennifer. I tend to think giving them things is what makes them happy. However, I know that type of happiness is only for the moment and the real joy will come from the memories you make as a family!

shelleym said...

What a wonderful post, thanks for your insight. Makes me wish we lived a lot closer! :0)

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