Wednesday, March 11, 2009

This and That

Hey, I am still not keeping up with my blog very well. Well we took the sign down Monday. It was really a relief in a way. Now we just wait on Cory's job situation. He probably won't know anything till June. Anyway, I have been making out my calender for spring till the end of the year. I have so much going on. I have started planning for next years school year and we have decided to bring Kara home for school. I love looking at new curriculum and books and teacher stuff. I should have been a teacher. I was always the kid who loved to get the new school box each year with new pencils and crayons. I still love that. We have a couple of used book fairs coming up in April and convention in May. I love to go to those and look around. I am making my list slowly of what I need for the girls next year and hope to find some good bargains on used stuff. We will have spring break next week since Kara will be out of school. We are just going to hang out around home till Thurs. Then we are going to Dallas to the American Girl store to eat brunch and shop, then on Friday we will be going to Old City Park for folk days there. I hope the weather will be nice. We are going to stay with my dad. I am ready for a break even though our school at home has really slowed down.
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