Monday, December 15, 2008

What a day!

Well, it is Monday morning at 9:30 and I have already blown it. I have spent the better part of forty minutes trying to get Emma to blow her nose. She will not do it. She hums out of her nose and blows air out her mouth. She has a cold she caught last week and her nose is all stopped up. I know she is going to end up with a sinus infection if she does not get it out of there. Why can a 9 year old not blow her nose?! I have seen two year olds blow their nose better. Anyway, I had to sit on her to put saline up there and clean it out. Yes it was a fight to get it up there, she is getting too big for me to force her to do it, and yes there did end up being some yelling. Before that she had already thrown a fit because we have a lot of school work to do today. I don't know why she cannot just do what I ask her to do. She has to challenge me, stomp the ground, grunt, shoot me the evil eye, whine, cry, and sometimes flop on the floor when I ask her to do something she does not want to do. I am tired of sending her to her room to think about her attitude only for her to come back and apologize then five minutes later do it all over again. I am already tired today. I hope we get some school done today and this week so we don't have to take it with us to Corpus next week at Cory's family's house. I have so much going on this week that it might be better to take it with us next week. Anyway, I will vent more later. Thanks for listening.


Life with the Akin Clan said...

That sounds like our morning! I have the same thing with mine. Except mine fight. Don't stress over the school work. That is the glory of homeschooling. You can finish it later. And later even means after Christmas break. We are only doing grammar and math this week. They have goals to meet and once they meet those, they are finished with school! YAY! Plus, we are doing fun Christmas projects. We are learning about the origins of Christmas, making ginger bread houses, and how different countries celebrate!

Btw, my oldest learned to blow her nose when she was 10!

The Clevelands said...

I know you are in the thick of it, but rest assured you are not alone. It's amazing at what your kids struggle with and you think you are the only one! Trust me - you're not!

Jessica can be quite a toot sometimes as well. She was all excited to finish school up early, so I wrote out her assignments for 2 weeks on one sheet of paper. As she finished them, she crossed them off. It gave her the motivation to get it done with minimal whining.

Hang in there, Jennifer. I'll be praying for you. If you need a break and want to bring the Emma over to play, feel free. We can visit or you can do whatever you need (like collapse!).

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