Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Does anyone regulate you?

That was the question of the weekend when Cory's family came to town. Why doesn't the public school regulate you? How do you know she is learning anything? What do you teach her? I hope she turns out smart enough. The holiday's are tough for a first year homeschooler when the family comes around. That is exactly why I did not give any of our family, except my sister, access to this blog. Just in case I am struggling with homeschooling, which we all do time to time, and need to vent, then they won't see it. I can hear it now, " I TOLD YOU IT WASN'T A GOOD IDEA". Anyway, only two more family times to go. Cory is so good though to back up to everyone what we are doing and why we are doing it. We are a unified front. Thank you to those who have lifted up a prayer for us and our homeschooling. Things are really improving with Emma. She is learning to work more independently with less fits. I am ready for next year when we can start ELO and she can see other peers on a regular basis. We are still praying about what to do with Kara next year too. She will be in first grade. The Lord had been so good to guide us this far that I know he will tell us what to do.


The Clevelands said...

It's hard when you have family members who either don't get it or don't agree with it. I'm the first one in our family to homeschool, but we've been blessed that no one has really questioned the decision even though they may not completely agree with it. On occasion, my dad will kind of 'quiz' the kids to see what they know. :)

Keep up the good work - it is hard sometimes, but it will be worth it in the long run.

Laura said...

I have had people tell me all the time when I say I am having a tough time or it's hard sometimes to quit. We have a misconception in our lives that if something causes us to be uncomfortable or difficult, it must be wrong. This is my 4th year to homeschool and I will tell you that it can be sooo hard but sooo worth it!! You don't give up on marriage just because it is hard or a job in the workforce b/c you have a rough day or week!! If God calls you to school your children, he will equip you! That is a promise!!

Hang in there Jennifer! You are doing a great job!! Don't get discouraged! Your girls are worth it!!

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