Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Oval office field trip

I am going to try to start blogging like the rest of yall. I am not good at it yet and still have a lot to figure out. I love to read all of yalls blogs, it makes me feel like I am getting to know you better and maybe my blog will let you get to know me. We went to the oval office yesterday and had a great time. There was a good turn out. We did manage to get out of there without any disasters, although it was a close one due to a tipsy flag pole. Mr. Wade and his wife Laura were so friendly and generous to open their home to us all. We learned a lot and saw some great things. I will blog more later.


The Clevelands said...

Glad you joined the blogging fun! Thanks for taking Jessica to the field trip!

Mikki said...

Congrats on the move into the blogging world. It is such a nice tool. It is a blessing when you can look back and read and see all that has gone on and your thoughts behind it. My blog is one-year-old today! I am not sure we have met in person yet but I look forward to getting to know you better through your blog and seeking you out in person through CHEC. Blessings, Mikki

Jodie said...

Hey Jennifer - I just wanted to encourage you on your new blog. I called to say Hi on Monday and Cory said you were on the field trip!

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