Friday, November 14, 2008

Homeschool challenges

Today was a better day. I can't believe it has been 12 weeks since we started school. Since we have been homeschooling I have looked at schools on line twice, this week was one of them. It is not that Emma cannot do the work, she is very smart. We have just gotten into some issues with her attitude toward me as her teacher and what being at home means. This has been such a learning experience for me as well as her. I have learned what areas I have let her slide in and how to deal with her. We are just alike and that makes it hard. Cory has to be the mediator a lot for us. I am so thankful that we are working on these character issues now when she is nine rather than down the road at thirteen or so. I think if I can just change her attitude and character this year I will be doing good. Who cares so much about the grades. I told my friend the other day that, I feel more isolated now than I ever did with they were pre-schoolers. At least I could take them with me as pre-schoolers and they had childcare at Bible study and MDO they could do. Now, I am just stuck here at home and I have to stay here until the work is done. This first year of homeschooling is hard to adjust for all of us, especially when they have already been to school and I had my thing and they had theirs. I just have to keep my perspective and know that this is where God lead us and he never said it would be easy. I know other people have been through this first year and survived to homeschool another year. I hope that will be us.


Connie said...

Hi Cory! I thought I'd skip over and check out your blog. I can't say we've ever met, but I am a member of CHEC and I like to see what other bloggers in CHEC are up to. :) You are so right about feeling more isolated now that the kids are older. I have 3 at home, 10, 13 and 15, and sometimes I feel like I'm off in a cave somewhere. But I know that we are forging a relationship, a friendship, that's so strong, it will be worth the sacrifices. You articulated it very well. I'll check back.

Life with the Akin Clan said...

Hey Jennifer! I want to encourage you that you are not alone! I felt the same way my first year. ELO helps me a lot but it's not for everyone. Plus they have that silly rule that you can't do it the first year you homeschool. Anywho, you re not alone and if you ever need to talk, give me a ring!!

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