Thursday, February 26, 2009

God showed up

Yesterday was a hard day for me but the Lord showed up. Everyone knows we have been trying to sell our house, coming up on 10 months now, and have had no success. During this time Cory has applied for two jobs and did not get them, which is good because they were out of town. We have been waiting for God to show us where we would end up and where we should move and asking him to protect us and guide us in the direction we should go. Yesterday Cory came home and said there is some restructuring going on in his company and he will have to apply for another job in Tyler. So, we have decided until all of this is over we are going to take out house off the market for now. Meanwhile, I was watching Oprah yesterday. I don't watch her much anymore since she has gone wacky with this new age thinking of hers, but yesterday was about the faces of the recession so I thought I would watch it. It was about middle class Americans all over the U.S. who have lost their jobs and homes and are now homeless or living in shelters. It was so sad. This is happening more in the West right now but eventually it will trickle down to everyone. How it hit me that I should be thankful for what I have, but then it made me think about why are we moving. We want a bigger house in a better neighborhood but why. It would be nice when we have people over to entertain or when family comes and stays with us but is it necessary? I don't know the answer to that but the Lord did show up and tell me that he cares about my hurts over this situation. I laid down to read last night, my new little book my secret sister gave me called Divine Moments. I just "randomly" opened the book and the section was on disappointment. God spoke to me through this book. He said life is full of disappointments but we do not need to dwell on them, this will make you a depressed, grumpy, sad person. He is in control of what happens to us and it will happen at just the right time. He is the God of hope and will never leave us. I just cried, he had showed up and spoke directly to me through this book. What an amazing feeling that the God of the universe does care about me and my silly feelings about a house and where we live. Cory will not know anything about his job till the middle of the summer, so in the mean time we will wait and pray, and know that the Lord has a plan for us that he will reveal in his own timing.


The Clevelands said...

I can't even imagine the ups and downs you must be feeling - I'm so glad you saw God and He was able to comfort you - isn't that awesome! I know life's not always a bed of roses, but it's nice to know you have your God right by you side always! I'll be praying for you.

Laura said...

I know exactly how you are feeling! If you have read my blog for the last year, you would know that I have been going through the same uncertainties. I never thought I would buy a house where we are at now but I love it! It has been such a blessing! God has a perfect plan for you and your family but it is so hard to be patient sometimes! For our sake, we hope you stay here but I will be praying for peace of mind and a clear solution for you!! We are so glad you are homeschooling with us! Ethan loves to see Emma!

Foster Mamalion said...

I SO feel your pain in so many ways. The house drama.... so hard to keep clean for realtors ( 1 1/2 Argh), the uncertainty, the wanting of something else... not unsatisfied, but just wanting something else... land, a little more space for the reasons you listed and the the unemployment TWICE. God is so good and faithful and chose not to let our journey be too hard like so many people have felt. He will provide! Maybe not in the way we want, but he does provide. I'm excited about you having both girls at home. It's a hard journey as you well know, but the benefits outweigh the cons... I can't believe that I am saying that after battles I have had with children this week. Military School did cross my mind, but vanished. We so love your family! Let's talk soon about curriculum and thoughts. I want to go to both sales, like last year. Vicki Neibert wants to join in and she will come with a verteran homeschooler of 6 kids (14 to 3). Boy, could we pick her brain. Talk soon.

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